Monday, November 5, 2012

Today I shattered myself into a hundred thousand pieces.  I bared my soul and destroyed the only thing I had that was worthwhile.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Damn Dictators

Hello Earthlings,

Last night I woke up.  Or, at least, I think I woke up.  I may have dreamed it.  Sometimes it is hard for me to tell.

Anyway, I woke up and looked across the room and for a moment the moon reflecting on the hallway to the bathroom somehow looked like a ten-foot tall, stone pair of pants.

All I remember is looking at that giant pair of pants, muttering "Damn dictators," to myself, and then rolling over and going back to sleep.

~Jessie May

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hello Hello Earthlings

Hello Earthlings,

Today I've been thinking about having goals.  See, here's the thing; I don't really have them.  I mean... I've got short-term goals.  These include things such as 'wash my socks so I don't get sweaty-foot tomorrow' or 'get my work done for the day so I don't get fired and have to eat out of a garbage can.'  As far as short-term goals go, I think those are pretty decent.  But I don't have any long-term goals.  Well... except maybe 'don't die'.  Even that is one I'm pretty sure I won't achieve.

I was wondering what this meant about me and if I have suffered as a person because of it.  I mean, how many successful people out there do you see who don't have some pretty solid goals set for themselves, right?  Does Donald Trump or Bill Gates just float along day to day?  I have no idea, I don't know them and I don't watch The Apprentice, but I'm willing to bet that 'no' is a safe guess.  So would I be better off if I had goals?

Then I realized that I'm a very nearly thirty year old woman and I've accomplished just about exactly... um... Nothing.

So, time to make some goals, right?  I've decided to start with some second-level short-term goals and then work my way up to long-term goals.  I'm just not ready to commit to a five year plan and a ten year plan just gives me the willies.

So, below is my list of goals for the year 2013.  And hey, it's not even quite November of 2012, so I'm getting a jump start.

#1- The Biggie.  Write a novel.  Now, I don't think I'm going to end 2013 with a beautiful and perfect masterpiece that will sweep the literary world, but I'd like to have a completed story of at least 80-100,000 words.  I'm pretty bad at staying focused on big projects, so this is going to be tough, but I've gotten a start. I'm going to try the NaNo WriMo this year and, while I realize that many 'real writers' consider NaNo a bit of a joke, I'm really using it to just keep me focused and get words out to show that I can do it.

If you want to follow my progress on NaNo and even read what I'm writing, check out my NaNo tab up top.

#2- Pay off my credit card.  I am extremely fortunate in that my father determined from the moment that I was conceived that I would go to college and he set money aside accordingly.  As such, I only have two debts right now, credit card debt and my car.  (Yes, I rent.  Judge me.) The car will take a while but the credit card debt is bugging me.  It's not extensive and if I were just a little bit more conservative with my money, I wouldn't have any problem paying it off.  So let's do it.

#3- Lose twenty pounds.  This is, oddly enough, going to go hand-in-hand with the previous one.  Why?  I'm a foodie.  I love good food.  I just... don't really like to cook.  A ridiculously high portion of my income goes into eating out.  Darn you so many restaurants with so many new things to taste!  Cutting back will save me money and save my waistline (I hope).

I think that's it for now.  This is a pretty me-centric blog, which wasn't my intent.  For the most part I want to use this blog to talk about things that interest me, stories and dreams that float through my head (I get some crazy-ass dreams) and share cool things with the interwebz.  I guess the first cool thing you get is me.



Hoo.  Cool.  I made a funny.


Jessie May

PS- I'm coming back a few hours later and adding another goal because dang it, I am sick of how selfish this list sounds.

#4 - Be more giving.  This is admittedly kind of nebulous.  When it comes to money, my primary goal is to get myself out of the hole so that I can then give to others (sorry others) but I think I have an idea.  If there's one thing that I can do while I'm sitting at work and talking on the phone (cuz that's what I do), it's crochet.  I can crochet like a mofo, yo.  So my goal is to make a scarf a week (totally doable) and give them to charity somewhere.  I don't know where yet.  Maybe Coats for Kids in Missoula (hometown, shout out) accepts scarfs?  Scarfs??  Scarves. I don't know.  Surely someone wants some nice, soft, warm, pretty, homemade scarves.

If you have any suggestions for places to donate scarves, leave a comment.
